Planning submission

In August 2024, RES submitted a Section 36 application to Scottish Minsters for consent under the Electricity Act 1989 for a 9-turbine wind farm proposal on Killean Estate, around 2km east of Tayinloan, Kintyre.

The planning application and supporting information, including the extensive Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR), can be viewed and downloaded below.

The application is also available to view on the Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit (ECU) planning portal at using reference ECU00004927.

A statutory consultation period will be held by the ECU and advertised in the Campbeltown Courier, The Scotsman, and the Edinburgh Gazette newspapers to enable the public, as well as key consultees, to submit formal representations on the proposal. These comments will then be assessed against the proposal and a determination made by Scottish Ministers in due course.

In addition, hard copies of the planning application and associated documents have also been placed at the following locations for public viewing during the consultation period:

  • Tayinloan Village Hall, Tayinloan, PA26 6XG (access by appointment via
  • Campbeltown Library, Aquilibrium, Kinloch Road, Campbeltown, PA28 6EH (Mon to Fri 09:30 – 19:00; Sat and Sun 09:30 – 14:00)

Copies of the EIA report may also be obtained from RES (by phoning 0141 404 5500 or emailing at a charge of £1,500 for a hard copy and £15 for an electronic copy on a USB stick. Copies of a short non-technical summary are available free of charge.

Planning application and documentation

Public notice - As published in the local Campbeltown Courier, The Scotsman, and the Edinburgh Gazette newspapers.

Planning and Energy Policy Statement - Examines the national and local planning policy context for the Killean Wind Farm proposal, and the balance which needs to be struck between the need for wind energy development and the effect of the proposed development on the local environment. It also takes account of the benefits which could arise from the construction and operation of the development.

Pre-Application Consultation (PAC) Report - Explains how and when the community was consulted before the planning application for Killean Wind Farm was submitted to Scottish Ministers and how RES has responded to feedback from the community regarding the proposal.

Design Statement - Sets out the detailed design process which has led to the final layout of the proposed development.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report
Volume 1: Chapters

Reports on the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) work undertaken and examines the potential effects of the wind farm.

Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 2. Proposed Development Description

Chapter 3. Design Evolution and Alternatives

Chapter 4. Approach to EIA, Climate Change, Energy and Planning Policy

Chapter 5. Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment

Chapter 6. Cultural Heritage Assessment

Chapter 7. Ecology

Chapter 8. Ornithology

Chapter 9. Geology, Hydrology and Hydrogeological Assessment

Chapter 10. Traffic and Transport

Chapter 11. Noise

Chapter 12. Aviation, Radar and Defence

Chapter 13. Other Issues

Chapter 14. Schedule of Mitigation

Chapter 15. Summary of Residual and Cumulative Effects


Environmental Impact Assessment Report
Volume 2a: EIAR Figures

Contains the figures (maps and drawings) associated with the EIA, except for the LVIA chapter.

Figure 1.1 Site Location

Figure 1.2 Application Boundary

Figure 1.3 Proposed Development

Figure 2.1 Typical Wind Turbine Elevation

Figure 2.2a Typical Turbine Gravity Foundation

Figure 2.2b Typical Turbine Piled Foundation

Figure 2.3 Typical Crane Hardstand

Figure 2.4a Typical Access Track

Figure 2.4b Typical Access Track Widening Detail

Figure 2.5a Typical Drainage Details

Figure 2.5b Typical Drainage Details

Figure 2.5c Typical Drainage Details

Figure 2.5d Typical Drainage Details

Figure 2.6 Typical Watercourse Crossing

Figure 2.7 Indicative Site Entrance Layout

Figure 2.8 Typical Cable Trench Details

Figure 2.9a-b Typical Substation Compound Layout and Elevation

Figure 2.10 Typical Telecommunications Mast

Figure 2.11a-f Indicative Borrow Pit General Arrangement (BP1-6)

Figure 2.12 Typical Batching Plant Layout

Figure 2.13 Typical Temporary Construction Compound

Figure 3.1 Site Layout Design Evolution

Figure 6.1 Cultural Heritage: Inner Study Area

Figure 6.2 Cultural Heritage: Outer Study Area

Figure 6.3 Cultural Heritage: Cumulative Schemes

Figure 7.1 International Designations Within 20km

Figure 7.2 National Designations Within 5km

Figure 7.3 Phase 1 Habitat Survey Map

Figure 7.4 NVC Habitat Survey Map

Figure 7.5 GWDTE Habitat Survey Map

Figure 8.1 Ornithology Survey Areas (core)

Figure 8.2 Black Grouse Leks and other records

Figure 8.3 White tailed eagle flight lines

Figure 8.4 Other scarce raptor flight lines

Figure 8.5 Greenland White Fronted Goose flight lines

Figure 8.6 Greenland White Fronted Goose feeding distribution

Figure 8.7 Other waterfowl flight lines

Figure 8.8 Golden Plover flight lines

Figure 9.1 Local Hydrology

Figure 9.2 Soils

Figure 9.3 Superficial Geology

Figure 9.4 Peatland Classification

Figure 9.5 Bedrock Geology

Figure 9.6 Regional Hydrogeology

Figure 9.7 Groundwater Vulnerability

Figure 9.8 GWDTE

Figure 10.1 Traffic and Transport Study Area

Figure 10.2 Traffic Count Locations

Figure 11.1 Predicted Sound Footprint

Figure 12.1 Killean Aviation Lighting Scheme

Figure 13.1 Shadow Flicker Assessment


Environmental Impact Assessment Report
Volume 2b: LVIA Figures

Contains the wirelines and photomontage visualisations, produced to NatureScot specifications, which help to give an impression of how the proposal may look from a number of agreed viewpoints within the area.

Figure 5.1 Site Location and Initial LVIA Study Area 35 km

Figure 5.2 Site Location and Detailed LVIA Study Area 20 km

Figure 5.3 Blade Tip ZTV to 35 km with Viewpoints

Figure 5.4 Blade Tip ZTV to 20 km with Viewpoints

Figure 5.5 Hub Height ZTV to 35 km with Viewpoints

Figure 5.6 Hub Height ZTV to 20 km with Viewpoints

Figure 5.7 Lit Turbine ZTV to 20 km with Viewpoints

Figure 5.8 Turbine Lighting Intensity ZTV to 20 km with Viewpoints

Figure 5.9 Landscape Designations within 35 km

Figure 5.10 Landscape Designations within 20 km

Figure 5.11 Landscape Designations to 20 km with Blade Tip ZTV and Viewpoints

Figure 5.12 Landscape Character Types within 35 km

Figure 5.13 Landscape Character Types within 20 km

Figure 5.14 Landscape Character Types within 20 km with Blade Tip ZTV and

Figure 5.15 Topography Plan to 35 km

Figure 5.16 Local Landscape Context to 5 km

Figure 5.17 Principal Visual Receptors to 35 km

Figure 5.18 Principal Visual Receptors to 20 km Blade Tip ZTV and Viewpoints

Figure 5.19 Blade Tip ZTV to 35 km (NW Quadrant) with Viewpoints

Figure 5.20 Blade Tip ZTV to 35 km (SW Quadrant) with Viewpoints

Figure 5.21 Blade Tip ZTV to 35 km (NE Quadrant) with Viewpoints

Figure 5.22 Blade Tip ZTV to 35 km (SE Quadrant) with Viewpoints

Figure 5.23 Hub Height ZTV to 35 km (NW Quadrant) and Viewpoints

Figure 5.24 Hub Height ZTV to 35 km (SW Quadrant) and Viewpoints

Figure 5.25 Hub Height ZTV to 35 km (NE Quadrant) and Viewpoints

Figure 5.26 Hub Height ZTV to 35 km (SE Quadrants) and Viewpoints

Figure 5.27 Other Wind Farms within 20 km

Figure 5.28 Cumulative ZTV with operational Deucharan Hill and Cour

Figure 5.29 Cumulative ZTV with operational Gigha and Gigha Extension

Figure 5.30 Cumulative ZTV with operational Blary Hill, Auchadadiue, Beinn an Tuirc, Beinn an Tuirc Extension and Beinn an Tuirc Phase 3

Figure 5.31 Cumulative ZTV with operational Freasdail

Figure 5.32 Cumulative ZTV with operational Tangy and Tangy Extension

Figure 5.33 Cumulative ZTV with consented High Constellation and Eascairt

Figure 5.34 Cumulative ZTV with consented Tangy Repowering

Figure 5.35 Cumulative ZTV with consented Airigh

Figure 5.36 Cumulative ZTV with in planning Clachaig Glen

Figure 5.37 Viewpoint 1 – Loch na Naich

Figure 5.38 Viewpoint 2 – Killean

Figure 5.39 Viewpoint 3 – Tayinloan Jetty

Figure 5.40 Viewpoint 4 – Point Sands

Figure 5.41 Viewpoint 5 – Beinn Bhreac

Figure 5.42 Viewpoint 6 – Ardminish Bay Jetty (Gigha)

Figure 5.43 Viewpoint 7 – Glenbarr War Memorial

Figure 5.44 Viewpoint 8 – Creah Bhan

Figure 5.45 Viewpoint 9 – A83 at Clachan

Figure 5.46 Viewpoint 10 – Beinn Bharrain, Isle of Arran

Figure 5.47 Viewpoint 11 – B8024, Knapdale

Figure 5.48 Viewpoint 12 – Islay Ferry, West Loch Tarbert

Figure 5.49 Viewpoint 13 – High Lossit, south of Machrihanish

Figure 5.50 Viewpoint 14 – Craighouse, Jura

Figure 5.51 Viewpoint 15 – Maolbhuie Cottages, near Ardbeg Distillery

Figure 5.52 Viewpoint 16 - Pirnmill

Figure 5.53 Viewpoint 17 – Machrie Bay


Environmental Impact Assessment Report
Volume 3: Technical Appendices

Contains the data supporting the findings of the Environmental Impact Assessment Report.

Technical Appendix 2.1 Outline Construction and Environmental Management Plan

Technical Appendix 2.2 Outline Borrow Pit Management Plan

Technical Appendix 2.3 Forestry Report

Technical Appendix 5.1 Assessment Criteria

Technical Appendix 5.2 ZTV and Visualisation Information

Technical Appendix 5.3 Preliminary Assessment of LCTs & Designations

Technical Appendix 5.4 Preliminary Assessment of Visual Receptors

Technical Appendix 5.5 Viewpoint Assessment

Technical Appendix 5.6 Residential Visual Amenity Assessment

Technical Appendix 5.7 Assessment of Night-time Lighting

Technical Appendix 5.8 Effects on North Arran NSA Special Landscape Qualities

Technical Appendix 5.9 Wirelines from Ferry Routes

Technical Appendix 6.1 Cultural Heritage Assets within the Inner Study Area

Technical Appendix 6.2 Cultural Heritage Assets within the Outer Study Area

Technical Appendix 6.3 Cultural Heritage Visualisations (Figures 6.4 to 6.12):

Technical Appendix 7.1 Phase 1 and NVC Habitat Surveys 2023

Technical Appendix 7.2 Bat Baseline Survey Report 2022 and 2023

Technical Appendix 7.4 Fish Habitat Survey Report

Technical Appendix 7.5 Species Protection Plan

Technical Appendix 7.6 Outline Biodiversity Enhancement Management Plan

Technical Appendix 8.1 Breeding Bird Survey Report 2022

Technical Appendix 8.2 Breeding Bird Survey Report 2023

Technical Appendix 8.3 Wintering Bird Survey Report 2021-22

Technical Appendix 8.4 Wintering Bird Survey Report 2022-23

Technical Appendix 8.5 Collision Risk Modelling Calculations Report

Technical Appendix 8.6 Breeding Bird Protection Plan

Technical Appendix 8.7 Habitats Regulations Appraisal (HRA) Report

Technical Appendix 9.1 Peat Landslide Hazard Risk Assessment (PLHRA)

Technical Appendix 9.2 Peat Management Plan (PMP)

Technical Appendix 9.3 Schedule of Watercourse Crossings

Technical Appendix 9.4 Private Water Supply Risk Assessment (PWSRA)

Technical Appendix 10.1 Abnormal Loads Route Assessment

Technical Appendix 10.1 Abnormal Loads Route Assessment Annex A SPAs

Technical Appendix 11.1 Issues Scoped Out of Wind Farm Noise Assessment

Technical Appendix 11.2 Calculating Standardised Wind Speed

Technical Appendix 11.3 Background Sound Survey Photos

Technical Appendix 11.4 Instrumentation Records

Technical Appendix 11.5 Noise Charts

Technical Appendix 11.6 Suggested Planning Conditions

Technical Appendix 12.1 Correspondence from the CAA

Technical Appendix 12.2 Proposed Draft Condition to secure a reduced visible lighting scheme for the Proposed Development

Technical Appendix 13.1 Socio-economic Assessment

Technical Appendix 13.2 Carbon Calculator Core Input Data

Technical Appendix 13.3 Carbon Payback and CO2 Emissions


Environmental Impact Assessment Report
Volume 4: Non-Technical Summary (NTS)

Contains an overview, in non-technical language, of the main findings of the EIA Report.

Volume 4 Non-Technical Summary 

Commenting on the proposal

Any representations to the application may be submitted to Scottish Ministers by email to the ECU mailbox at, or by post to the Scottish Government, Energy Consents Unit, 4th Floor, 5 Atlantic Quay, 150 Broomielaw, Glasgow, G2 8LU, identifying the application and specifying the grounds for representation.
All feedback needs to identify the project and specify the grounds for representation. Written or emailed representations should be dated, clearly stating the name (in block capitals), full return email and postal address of those making representations. Only representations sent by email to will receive acknowledgement. All representations should be received not later than 4 October 2024, although Scottish Ministers may consider representations received after this date.


Site location

Click to enlarge


Proposed development

Click to enlarge