Public Exhibition - March 2024

We held our second public exhibition in March 2024 and are grateful to everyone who took time to provide feedback. 

We reduced the number of proposed turbines from 12 to 10 following our first public consultation in November 2023 and the outcome of further environmental and technical studies. We held a second public consultation on our revised designs in March/April 2024.

You can review our Consultation Summary Report on feedback received following the first phase of consultation (November 2023) here.

The closing date for comment for our second round of consultation was 26 April 2024.

The content shared at our March 2024 exhibition can be viewed below (click on the image to open the panel in a new tab).

Welcome to our public exhibition

The need for onshore wind

Project overview

Updated design

Heritage and ecology

EIA considerations 1

EIA considerations 2

Zone of theoretical visability

Landscape visualisation VP2 Killean

Landscape visualisation VP3 Tayinloan Jetty

Landscape visualisation VP6 Ardminish Bay

Landscape visualisation VP7 Glenbarr WM



Maximising local benefits

About RES

Next steps