Early engagement
RES believes in meaningful and productive consultation and we aim to engage early with the local community and key stakeholders in order to facilitate constructive consultation. This helps to identify issues and concerns, as well as benefits and opportunities, which we can then consider when developing the design of the proposal.
In August 2023 we wrote to key stakeholders, including West Kintyre Community Council within whose area the proposal lies, to introduce the project and confirm submission of the Scoping Report. Since then we have spoken and corresponded with key stakeholders and responded to enquiries from local residents and other interested parties that have got in touch.
Statutory consultation process
Following submission of our Section 36 application for consent to Scottish Ministers for Killean Wind Farm, a statutory consultation period will be advertised and held by the Scottish Government's Energy Consents Unit (ECU). For more information, please click here.
Photomontage LVIA viewpoint 2 - Killean
Public exhibitions
As part of our pre-application consultation, we held an initial public exhibition in the local area in November 2023 to enable people to learn more about the project, discuss the proposal with our project team, and provide written feedback to RES on the initial early-stage design.
A range of information on exhibition boards were made available, including a preliminary design. Visualisations were also prepared, to NatureScot guidance, to help give an impression of what the site could look like from different viewpoints in the area. RES staff were also on hand to discuss the proposal and answer any questions that people had. Our Report on Feedback provides a summary of the written feedback received from the November 2023 exhibition and consultation period and explains any changes made to the design in response to this feedback.
March 2024
In March 2024 we held a further public exhibition in the local area which provided a revised design and updated exhibition information in relation to this, including visualisations.
The feedback received from these exhibitions is summarised in the Pre-Application Consultation (PAC) Report, which accompanies the Section 36 application, and has been carefully considered in relation to the design development.
Now that RES has submitted its Section 36 application for consent to Scottish Ministers, any comments or representations on the application should be directed to the determining authority, the Scottish Government’s Energy Consents Unit, as part of their statutory consultation process. For more information, please click here.