Public Exhibition - Nov 2023

RES is committed to engaging early with the local community and key stakeholders to facilitate constructive consultation. We held our first public exhibition in November 2023 and are grateful to everyone who took time to provide feedback.

The closing date for comments for our first round of consultation was 15 December 2023.

We later published our Consultation Summary Report on the feedback received during this first phase of consultation here.

The content shared at our November 2023 exhibition can be viewed below (click on the image to open the panel in a new tab).

Welcome to our public exhibition

The need for onshore wind

The need for onshore wind


Project overview

Project overview


Early design

Early design

Heritage and ecology

Heritage and ecology


EIA considerations 1

EIA considerations 1

EIA considerations 2

EIA considerations 2

Zone of theoretical visability

Zone of theoretical visibility


Landscape visualisation VP2 Killean

Landscape visualisation VP2 Killean


Landscape visualisation VP3 Tayinloan Jetty

Landscape visualisation VP3 Tayinloan Jetty

Landscape visualisation VP6 Ardminish Bay

Landscape visualisation VP6 Ardminish Bay

Landscape visualisation VP7 Glenbarr WM

Landscape visualisation VP7 Glenbarr WM



Maximising local benefits

Maximising local benefits

About RES

About RES


Next steps

Next steps