Killean Wind Farm

RES is pleased to keep the local community informed about our Killean Wind Farm proposal


RES has submitted a Section 36 application for consent to the Scottish Government for a 9-turbine wind farm proposal on Killean Estate, approximately 2km east of Tayinloan, Argyll and Bute.

If consented, the project is predicted to deliver over £55 million to the local economy in addition to the environmental benefits associated with renewable energy, as follows: 

  • Deliver £5.9 million of inward investment to the local area in the form of jobs, employment, and the use of local services during the development and construction 
  • Provide over £35 million in business rates to Argyll and Bute Council during its 50-year operational lifetime 
  • Create a community benefit package worth approximately £14.85 million (or equivalent) over the operational lifetime – tailored to the needs and priorities of the local area 
  • Generate approximately 80 jobs within Argyll and Bute during development and construction 
  • Generate enough carbon-free electricity to power approximately 51,000 homes each year 
  • Offset approximately 47,145 tonnes of carbon emissions based on the grid-mix of fossil fuel, nuclear and renewable generation 
  • Achieve carbon payback within 1.9 years 

The community benefit package may also include RES' unique Local Electricity Discount Scheme (LEDS), which offers an annual discount to the electricity bills of those properties closest to the wind farm. 

To find out more about the project please click here